Nail Fungus: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Treatment Options


Nail fungus is an often-stubborn condition that you may develop on your hands or feet. It is due to a sort of fungus that prefers cozy, damp surroundings. Nail fungus is usually painless, makes no threat to health and will probably lead back in being careful treatment above an extended period of time. If not treated, it can also progress to more serious infections.

The thing is, a lot of people are misinformed about nail fungus. Others say that it is very contagious while some assume you have bad hygiene. In reality nail fungus can occur to any one, how ever clean you are. But there are a few things that might increase your chances of getting them.

It is critical to catch nail fungus early and obtain treatment as soon as possible. The earlier you take care of it, the higher chance to resolve an infection and kill others. This article will help you understand what causes nail fungus, how can it be detected and the possible treatments.

Understanding Nail Fungus

What causes nail fungus?

The fungus that causes nail fungus is mainly a type of fungi called dermatophytes. These small bodied creatures prefer to breed in warm, snug places spores can grow fast such as inside footwear and public showers. It can then infect your nails once it comes into contact with one of the fungi above.

Above are several causes that can help to increase the risk of patient getting affected by nail fungus.

  • Age: Older people are at greater risk for toenail fungus.
  • Profession: Individuals working in a moist environment—like swimmers, athlete and health care providers are at greater chance of establishing tinea cruris or jock itch.
  • Diabetes: Diabetes Weakening immunity among diabetic people exposes them to various infections, including toenail fungus.
  • Compromised Immune system: Conditions such as HIV/AIDS or recent treatments for cancer can have an immunosuppressant impact on your immune functions – which makes it easier to catch nail fungi.

How does nail fungus spread?

Fungus spreads through human contact, so nail fungus it is contagious. It may also pass from one nail to another on the same foot or hand. Good hygiene is necessary to avoid the spread of nail fungus. Do not use same shoes, socks and nail clippers of the other person

How To Identify Nail Fungus

  • Signs and symptoms of nail fungus: The appearance may differ according to the affected person. Here is a list of common signs, but not meant to be 100% exhaustive:
  • Discoloured nail: The nail can be white, yellow, brown or even green.
  • Increased Thickness: The nail will thicken and become hard.
  • Crumble: A nail can easily crumble or break JSBracketAccess
  • They may include : Nail separation:The nap will separate from the nail bed.
  • Pain or discomfort  : Some individuals experience pain or tenderness around the nail in question.
  • Foul odor: The nail may smell bad in the worst cases.

It is important to seek medical attention if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms.

Diagnosing Nail Fungus

For the diagnosis of nail fungus Your doctor will look at the infected toenail. The doctor might also take a sample of the nail to send for laboratory testing in order to identify the type of fungus causing your infection.

It is also secondary to rule out other nail conditions resembling nail fungus, e.g. psoriasis or fungal skin infections.

Nail Fungus Treatment Options

The right treatment of nail fungal infection can vary widely from patient to patient, that may give tough time in praise the best one. Over the counter medications may work for mild cases and other times only a prescription drug will be needed.

Over-the-counter treatments

Topical antifungal creams and ointments : These are applied directly to the infected nail.

Antifungal nail polish: These are polishes that contain antifungals to keep the fungus from spreading.

Prescription medications

Oral antifungal pills : These medications, which are prescribed only if the infection is very severe or resistant to treatment. They may also take a few months to have an effect.

Prescription topical medications: These are applied directly to the nail and can work better than OTC treatments.

Home remedies

Though you mayget some temprory relief via home remedies but it is necessary to contact a doctor before having any of the soutions. Home remedies that are preferred by many

Oil of tea tree: Oil that cures the fungus.

Vapple cider vinegar: Soak the affected nail in between spring to autumn.

Oregano oil : recognised as a powerful antimicrobial

Disclaimer: Home remedies are quite effective, but they might not be suitable for everyone.

Preventing Nail Fungus

In order to prevent nail fungus, you should always maintain good foot hygiene and keep your nails as healthy they can be! Here are some tips:

  • Keep your feet clean and dry.
  • What Kind Of Shoes Should You Wear To LARP?
  • Change your socks daily.
  • Don't walk bare footed in public
  • Cut your nails down and not too low
  • After every use, clean nail clipper — file it down.
  • Eat healthy foods to boost your immune system, and exercise regularly.

Living with Nail Fungus

Nail fungus is a frustrating and embarrassing condition, but some ways can help you to manage the nail fungus issue and improve your quality of life.

  • Control pain: Take OTC drugs to help control the symptoms of discomfort.
  • Care for your nails: Keep the damaged nails trimmed and clean to avoid a worsening of infection.
  • Get some emotional support: Share your feelings about nail fungus with friends, family or a therapist

Nail Fungus: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can nail fungus be cured?

A: Yes, nail fungus can be cured with proper treatment. However, it may take several months to clear the infection completely.

Q: How long does it take to treat nail fungus?

A: The treatment time for nail fungus varies depending on the severity of the infection and the chosen treatment method. It can take several weeks or months to see improvement.

Q: Is nail fungus contagious?

A: Yes, nail fungus is contagious. It can spread from person to person or from one nail to another.

Q: Can nail fungus cause other health problems?

A: In most cases, nail fungus is not a serious health concern. However, people with weakened immune systems may be at risk for more severe infections.

Q: What are the long-term effects of untreated nail fungus?

A: Untreated nail fungus can lead to the thickening and discoloration of the nail, making it more difficult to treat. It can also increase the risk of secondary infections.


It is important to note that this condition can be well managed easily and no age, sex or immunity matter when it comes about nail polish. Here is what you need to know about the reasons, symptoms and treatment methods so that infection can be managed properly without visiting other body sites. If you have a fungus on your nails, be sure to visit the doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

And, they say that is the best type of nail fungus treatments; nip it in the bud before things get out of hand. After that, you can treat the infection slowly over time and rehabilitate your nails.

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